Canadian Psychiatric Association

For over half a century, the Canadian Psychiatric Association (CPA) has been working to promote the highest quality care and treatment for persons with mental illness as well as to advance and represent the profession of psychiatry through education and clinical research. The medical specialty society, founded in 1951, is a national voluntary professional association that serves the professional needs … Read More

Addictions Foundation of Manitoba

At least 1 in 5 Canadians experience problems with alcohol, drugs or gambling during their lifetime. Many more are affected by someone they care about experiencing these struggles. People of all ages and backgrounds experience these issues – and make positive changes. Visit their Site

Canadian Mental Health Association

Mental health means striking a balance in all aspects of your life: social, physical, spiritual, economic and mental. Reaching a balance is a learning process. At times, you may tip the balance too much in one direction and have to find your footing again. Your personal balance will be unique, and your challenge will be to stay mentally healthy by … Read More

ADAM Anxiety Disorders Association of Manitoba

Everyone experiences anxiety at some point in their lives. It’s perfectly normal. In fact, it can even be helpful. For example, if you’re anxious about an upcoming test, your anxiety can motivate you to study well. It is also normal to be anxious in such instances as a job interview, a big occasion like a wedding, or the birth of … Read More

Dr. Samia Barakat receives Lifetime Membership from MPA

Dr. Samia Barakat is the recipient of an Honorary Lifetime Membership to the Manitoba Psychiatric Association. It was presented to her at the MPA AGM on May 6th, 2019. Dr. Barakat productively served our community since completing her Postgraduate education in Psychiatry at the University of Manitoba in 1982. Overcoming the challenges of being an International Medical Graduate, she was … Read More

Dr. Kurt Skakum receives MPA 2019 Manitoba Psychiatrist of the Year Award

Dr. Kurt Skakum is the recipient of the 2019 Manitoba Psychiatric Association Manitoba Psychiatrist of the Year Award. It was presented to him at the MPA AGM on May 6th, 2019. He completed both his MD degree and psychiatry residency at the University of Manitoba. Since 2001 he has been the Medical Director of the Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Service at Health … Read More